by Stretchlinks | Aug 17, 2008 | Podcasts

It’s Episode 3 of the Stretchlinks Podcast entitled, Bicycle Assembly. Another high-octane delight form the comedy music duo, Heinous and Wonkles. Join the Links as they transport us with the improv romp Albatross U.S.A.. Hear first hand of the boy’s lost music video past. Squirm during Don’t Touch That Feces as you ask yourself, do we really need holidays for psychopaths? And get super happy with Bicycle Assembly, another unsalted Nugget Of Wonderness. PLAY HERE
by Stretchlinks | Jul 24, 2008 | Promos
Listen to the Stretchlinks Podcast promo now! And please do comment on our clamoring! [audio:]
by Stretchlinks | Jul 20, 2008 | Podcasts

We made it to Episode 2 of the Stretchlinks Podcast entitled, “Brain Song”. Another comedy and musical skirmish by Heinous and Wonkles, aka, the Stretchlinks. Enjoy a listen to the Links’ fav “Mr. Baggie”, experience a “Dont Touch That Feces” ranting on the societal scourge of “.9”, brace for this episodes “Nugget Of Wonderness” and join in the memories of their infamous two city world tour. And please do comment on our clamoring! PLAY HERE
by Stretchlinks | Jul 19, 2008 | Podcasts

Wow! It’s Episode 1 of the Stretchlinks Podcast, entitled “Scrotum Hall”. The premiere offering from the musical duo, The Stretchlinks. Enjoy a lightheaded peek down memory lane as Heinous and Wonkles flash podcastian prowess swaying and giggling foolishly over the track “Hang Around” from their long lost debut album “You Stole My Lung”. The Links discuss furnaces, answer your email and intro the show’s tell it like it is soapbox segment “Don’t Touch That Feces”. And please do comment on our clamoring! PLAY HERE