by Stretchlinks | Oct 18, 2008 | Podcasts

Fall face first into Episode 5 of The Stretchlinks Podcast. Another elastic melee by Heinous and Wonkles, aka The Stretchlinks. Spit-shine your blowguns for this episodes’ edge-of-your-seat tragicomedy, Bobby Regus. Fly on the wall your bad Freudian selves as the Links share personal dreamscapes – revealing a startling love of Borgnine and office building motorsports. Audio-oggle the Mailbag as we hear of Iceburg Slim, the ill-fated black cat of Taravel Ave. And please don’t forget your matches for this episode’s incendiary Nugget Of Wonderness, Wally Had A Cigar Store. PLAY HERE
by Stretchlinks | Oct 4, 2008 | Promos
A brand new Stretchlinks Promo for your hungry ears. Enjoy our latest self indulgence and please spread us around like yummy preserves. Thanks!
– Heinous and Wonkles
by Stretchlinks | Sep 16, 2008 | Lryics
“I Hang Around”
Lryics and music © 1988 The Stretchlinks
When I saw you at the checkout counter buying paper towels and Lucky Charms, I said, “Wow”!
You stood quite near me you were sweating you’d been running I thought to myself, “Holy cow”!
I realize you’re a special kind of girl. That’s why I hang around.
You wear clothes that really reek of gasoline and toxins well that’s okay.
You don’t wash your hair as often as the other girls but whadda they know anyway?
I realize you’re a special kind of girl. That’s why I hang around.
When we make love and our body parts they coincide just like a dictionary.
Your arms are my arms, your legs are my legs too and every part seems to coincide. Just side by side.
But if you leave I won’t be able to sway my hips. Don’t go. Don’t go away.
My friends they think I’m crazy ’cause I make collections of your noises. I tape record them and put them in
a filing cabinet. With dates on them so that I can remember every little giggle, every little sneeze, every
way you express yourself to me.
I realize you’re a special kind of girl. That’s why I hang around.
I realize you’re a special kind of girl. That’s why I hang around.
Hang around… hang around… hang around
by Stretchlinks | Sep 7, 2008 | Podcasts

It’s Episode 4 of the Stretchlnks Podcast entitled, Wally’s Got The Phone. More tingly fun from Heinous and Wonkles the comedy music duo, The Stretchlinks. Wander through the turnstyle of their ghost story classic, Charlotte The Dunk Tank Girl. Delight in Don’t Touch That Feces bellowing as we learn the dangers of magicians and balloon twisters. From the mailbag hear why even journalistic raves kept the Links hiding under fame’s notorious rock of obscurity. And don’t forget to be delighted by this weeks rare Nugget Of Wonderness, Wally’s Got The Phone. PLAY HERE