Stretchlinks Lyrics: “Beautiful Moonlight”

“Beautiful Moonlight”

– Lyrics and Music © 1989 The Stretchlinks

Beautiful moonlight, beautiful moonlight

Don’t forget that I’m here behind that tree

Beautiful moonlight, beautiful moonlight

Please don’t forget me as you talk to that person down the street

That I’m standing behind the tree

Beautiful moonlight, Beautiful moonlight

Don’t forget the sacrifices I’ve made for you

Don’t forget the beautiful moonlight, beautiful moonlight

I’m holding the bag, holding the bag for you babe

Don’t forget beautiful moonlight, beautiful moonlight

Sacrifices have been made to maintain our friendship and I

Don’t regret it, don’t regret it. But remember the

Beautiful moonlight, we’re talking beautiful moonlight

Just take a look and

Beautiful moonlight

It’s up there through the window

I’m behind the tree, remember me

I’m still holding the bag for you babe

Beautiful moonlight, beautiful moonlight

Stretchlinks Podcast #5: “Wally’s Got A Cigar Store”

Stretchlinks Podcast #5: “Wally’s Got A Cigar Store”

Fall face first into Episode 5 of The Stretchlinks Podcast. Another elastic melee by Heinous and Wonkles, aka The Stretchlinks. Spit-shine your blowguns for this episodes’ edge-of-your-seat tragicomedy, Bobby Regus. Fly on the wall your bad Freudian selves as the Links share personal dreamscapes – revealing a startling love of Borgnine and office building motorsports. Audio-oggle the Mailbag as we hear of Iceburg Slim, the ill-fated black cat of Taravel Ave. And please don’t forget your matches for this episode’s incendiary Nugget Of Wonderness, Wally Had A Cigar Store. PLAY HERE

Stretchlinks Podcast Promo 2

A brand new Stretchlinks Promo for your hungry ears. Enjoy our latest self indulgence and please spread us around like yummy preserves. Thanks!

– Heinous and Wonkles
