Stretchlinks Podcast #9: “You Stole My Lung”

Stretchlinks Podcast #9: “You Stole My Lung”

Stretchheads! It’s episode 9 of the Stretchlinks Podcast entitled, You Stole My Lung, hilarious musical whimsy from Heinous and Wonkles. Hum along to the loss of human fingers with the Links’ earwormy classic, Do Wah Do Wah Do Wah. Squirm uncomfortably during the break-neck potty humor of this show’s Don’t Touch That Feces. Safely lock away your lungs during our spoken word, Nugget Of Wonderness. And marvel as America’s Son’s Of Funny reveal for the first time, the true patent holder of the Missionary Position. More brainless folly, only at! PLAY HERE

Stretchlinks’ Lyrics: I’m Still In Love With You

I’m Still in Love with You

music and lyrics © 1989
The Stretchlinks

I think you are the girl I’ve always dreamed of…
My love’s so strong I don’y know what to do.
And though they have you on death row dear…
I’m still in love with you… I’m still in love with you.

I saw you on the news one night…
the gunfight and your capture that ensued.
And though they shot your leg off and your upper lip…
I’m still in love with you… I’m still in love with you.

(Chorus) They say that you’re homo-cidal;
they say you’re psychopathic too…
though you’ve been known to weild an axe…in anger;
I must confess my undying love for you.

I’ve tried so hard my darling to forget you…
I know that what they say just can’t be true.
That the bodies they found underneath your floorboards..
I’m sure they don’t belong to you…they don’t belong to you.

At six you killed a dog with Daddy’s golf club… (Fore!),
At twelve you stabbed a postman with a knife.
And come the dawn they’ll throw the switch and end your life of crime…
Still you are the sunshine of my life…you are the sunshine of my life.

(Chorus) They say that you’re homo-cidal;
they say you’re psychopathic too… (but I don’t mind)
though you’ve been known to weild an axe…in anger;
I must confess my undying love for you.

With conviction: (Heh-geh- geh geh-geh a goo- goo-goo!!)

I’ve written to your attorney…
I do hope that the jury’s fair.
I hope that I can meet you my darling…
before you meet the chair…before you meet the chair.

Although they say you’re future may seem dismal…
and your darkest fears are surely coming true.
And though they’ll throw the switch they can’t electrocute our love.
Spoken; (‘Cause darling, I’m still in love with you…
darling, I truly love you, with all my heart.)

(Chorus) They say that you’re homo-cidal;
they say you’re psychopathic too… (but I don’t mind)
though you’ve been known to weild an axe…in anger;
I must confess my undying love for you.

“Love is a many Splendeored Thing…It’s the April rose that only grows in the
early spring…Love is a many splendeored thing…”