Nugget Of Wonderness: “Lawn Chair Part 2”
Collapse your delicate psyche into the Stretchlinks’ terrifying, mind folding, Nugget Of Wonderness, Lawn Chair Part 2.
Audio PlayerCollapse your delicate psyche into the Stretchlinks’ terrifying, mind folding, Nugget Of Wonderness, Lawn Chair Part 2.
Audio PlayerDespite the advice of friends and family, Heinous and Wonkles are back with Lawnchair Part 2, aka episode 7 of the Stretchlinks Podcast. Gape in wonder as the boys premiere their sparkly new interview segment, Living The Life Of. Joining America’s sons of funny is their old pal Nib Geebles, famed author, artist and creator of the 2009 Calendar That Time Forgot. Shuffle through the exploding, talking-sink-classic, Why Not, clutch your sanity for the mind-folding Nugget Of Wonderness, Lawnchair Part 2 and peek into the human folly of Nib Geebles’ genius with Toady Lovehandles from Nib’s spoken word CD release, Teenager. Warning: No one will be seated during the tasteless hamburgaler reminisce! PLAY HERE
Listen to the Stretchlinks’ “Beautiful Moonlight” featured in episode 6 of the Stretchinks Podcast.
Audio PlayerShare in the passion of aluminum patio furniture in this episode’s hard-sell Nugget Of Wonderness, Lawnchair Part 1.
Audio PlayerIt’s Episode 6 of The Stretchlinks Podcast. More sonic lobe-lashing from Heinous and Wonkles aka, The Stretchlinks. Be devastated by their stunning love ballad, Beautiful Moonlight. Share new Don’t Touch That Feces bluster, probing the struggles of America’s gun-toting bookstore patrons. Get super wistful with the Links’ bands-of-the-past mailbag reminisce. And welcome the passion of aluminum patio furniture in this weeks hard-sell Nugget Of Wonderness, Lawnchair Part 1. PLAY HERE