It’s a yummy episode 8 of the Stretchinks Podcast, entitled “Geebles Was His Name”. Join comedy music hosts Heinous and Wonkles as they go-cart through the giddy homicidal pining of “I’m Still In Love With You”. Explore the buzzing of your inner honey bee in this show’s Don’t Touch That Feces. Relive Geebles’ slow vegetable slices in this weeks Nugget Of Wonderness. And discover the scorched earth listening habits of your fellow Stretchheads! Giggle now at PLAY HERE
Stretchlinks Podcast #8: Geebles Was His Name – yummy funny
by Stretchlinks | Jun 14, 2009 | Podcasts | 18 comments

Dear Stretchheads! Please comment. We need your elasticity!
Rynes, type up the lyrics yourself if you don’t want ’em butchered. Unbelievable. Wait…I see a schnauzer…gotta run.
I like cheese. Cheese in my belly belly. But not on the bed. Cheese goes in my belly belly.
Dear Jay,
A little known fact. Cheese was invented by the Eskimo. The cows were kept frozen until they needed milking, really a much more efficient system vs. today’s 2x day dairyman routine. The Links are pleased that you like cheese. Thanks for sharing!
Dear Stevie Ray,
My sincere apologies for incorrectly reinterpreting the ancient lyric. Thank you for your deep concern. It is fans like you that keep the Linky elastic alive, honest and true. My best, W.
Dear Steve “Living-like an-animal” Ray,
Fear not for I have indeed begun to type the lyrics again and to illustrate my commitment to authenticity, I even saw fit to note that the infamous line”Heh-geh-geh-geh-geh-a-goo-goo-goo” must be sung “with conviction”.
Stay in touch!!! -heinous-
Dearest Jay,
I’ve seen fit to organize your obsession into the format of a Haiku:
I like cheese in my
belly but not on the bed
cheese goes to belly
You rang?
Stretch Your Head,,,
In 2007, managed populations of European honey bees experienced substantial declines. Uncle Wonkles just trying to do his part! SAVE THE BEES!
Though I know your songs involve mostly a lot of ukulele picking and wanging away on broken, untuned, exotic instruments, do you think you could still provide some basic ukulele chord arrangements for those of us who would like to play songs like “I Hang Around” while sitting around the campfire with groups of little girls on sleep-overs in the woods?
Also, what browser am I supposed to be using? Or did you just fuck up the coding and don’t care?
..which is why I made my request here on the “Stretchlinks Podcast #8: Geebles Was His Name – yummy funny” page instead of a more appropriate comment site. I can’t read a fucking thing.
You fucks.
Both of you. Fuckheads both. I mean it. Now give me those chords. Assholes. I’m not kidding. Shit asses. Now! I mean it! And fix the goddamn coding! Fix it! You fucks. Both of you.
Thanks. Love the music.
Bees should be respected. They often get the short end of the stick. Don’t know why I have an affinity for the darn things, just find them appealing – as long as they don’t buzz into my open ear canal or nothin’. Thx for your words of encouragement!
Jeepers, those chords must be super important to ya’. Well, if it’s uke chording then Heinous will have to weigh in. I’ll give him a nudge to see if he’s ok to share his ancient Chinese secrets. We here at the podcast view on Safari or Firefox and seem to get ok results, but if you are having troubles on another browser please let us know which a one that is so that we might test drive that bad boy. The worse thing in the world is a pissed off web browser. After your code-vexed venting, the kind words are much appreciated “wanging away” sounds so sweet, mellifluous even.
I’m using IE 8.
…Both of you!
PS. I don’t know if you watched Dateline NBC tonight or not. But I thought the Polish women was innocent and the Internet lover did the murder.
PPS. I mean it!
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?